Monday, October 25, 2010



For example consider the Upgradation of Objects from E810 Version to E900 Version

Case 1:

Step 1:- First check whether the Object is copied from Base Object or Not in Object  
              Librarian Table (F9860).

Step 2:- If it copied from Base Object, then compare the Layout, Sections, and Business
             Views, Event Rules and Processing Options for Base Objects from both the

Step 3:- If Both the Base Objects look same, then no need of Retrofitting.

Step 4:- If any differences between the Base Objects then compare the Base Object and
             Custom Object from E810 Version.

Step 5:- Find out the changes in E810 Custom Object when compared with E810 Base

Step 6:- Accordingly Retrofit the changes in E900 Custom Object.

Step 7:- If any Processing Options attached to the Custom Objects from both the      
              Versions then Retrofit the E900 Custom Object PO with respect to E810 Custom
              Object PO.            

Step 8:- Also create Interactive and Batch Versions for E900 Custom Object (i.e.
             Applications and Reports) with respect to E810 Custom Object.

Step 9:- Output of Applications and Reports should look same before and after

 Case 2:

 Step 1:- Compare E900 Custom Object with E900 Base Object.

 Step 2:- If there are lot of changes (Layout, Sections, Event Rules) in E900 Custom        
              Object then make a copy of the Object (Ex: P5541051à P8841051).

Step 3:- Delete the Custom Object (P5541051) and make a copy of the E900 Base Object

Step 4:- Now compare E810 Custom and Base Objects. Find the differences and         
             accordingly retrofit the changes in newly created E900 Custom Object i.e. copy  
             of E900 Base Object (P41051àP5541051).

Monday, October 18, 2010

User Reserved Fields

The following fields have been reserved for users. These fields will not be updated by any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne program. These fields are not displayed on any form in the Address Book System. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Business Function

Conversion Business Functions
B0500690 - Parse Text String
B76B0220 - Fetch Line From Flat File
B4700230 -  Delete or Copy FlatFile
B34A1030 - Execute External Program
B0500180 - Operating System File
N0701500 - Convert Date To String Based On Format Code
B7500150 - Find Character Position in the String
B76C114 - Delete All rows from table {Pass the table name}


Path Code
In which format does EnterpriseOne Specs get stored for a path code?
Prior to EnterpriseOne 8.12, specs were stored in TAM (Table Access Management) format. In EnterpriseOne 8.12 release and later, this metadata is now stored in XML format in an XML schema in the relational database. This change allows all servers to view and match their code up to one central source.
How to create Central Objects for custom path code?
You can create using either of the two methods:
  • Using Platform Pack Installation: Installing the platform pack selecting only the EnterpriseOne DB components. Once done with the platform pack, one need to create F983051 manually and need to update the table with the name of your Deployment server and path code name
  • Running R98403, version XJDE0019.This is automatically copy F983051 and updates the table with the name of your Deployment server and path code name
How to create a check-in location for a custom path code?
Check-in location can be created in two ways:
  • Manually copying the directory structure on your deployment server and create a folder with the same name as your custom path code under EnterpriseOne\E812. Copy the contents depending on whether you creating the path code at all new or copying it from existing one. In case of copy, make sure to copy it from Pristine.
  • Running the UBE R9800942, Version XJDE0001. Please run the UBE LOCALLY.
In 8.12, if copying the path code why will it not copy the packages?
This is because specifications for packages are now stored in the XML format in the database. The names of the tables are the same as the name of the package.
Is there any UBE or method to create the path code in the Enterprise Server automatically?
The only way to get a path code onto the Enterprise server is by manual copy the path code and updates the spec.ini. This file tells the server where to look for the XML specifications.
How to delete a Path Code?
To delete a path code, you need to perform the following:
  • Delete the record from the table F00942.
  • Delete the Central Object tables.
  • Manually delete the check-in location on the Deployment and path code directory on Enterprise servers.
Is there any business function to retrieve the path code?
The business function B989400 "Get Pathcode for an Environment" can be used to retrieve the path code.
Can multiple Data Dictionaries be used for a single path codes?
GCS do not recommend setting up separate data dictionaries. Please refer :DD: Use of multiple DD for single path code 

Data Sources
What are data sources and where are their definitions stored?
The data sources define where the database tables reside and where the software runs logic objects for the Enterprise Server. Data source definitions are stored in the Data Source Master table (F98611). Workstations use a common table F98611, which generally resides in the System data source on the Enterprise Server. Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server(s) that process logic and request data require their own unique definitions for data sources; therefore, they have their own F98611 table in the Server Map data source.
Note: EnterpriseOne has two types of data sources: Database Data Sources and Logic Machine Data Sources. First DB and second one by SVR are marked in the OMOCM1 column of table F98611.

Are all data sources Unicode complaint?
EnterpriseOne now ships with all data sources in Unicode except for Business Data and Control Tables. These data sources can be converted to Unicode on an upgrade.
Note: There are 12 primary types of data sources that can be configured within EnterpriseOne. There are more than 4500 tables within a normal installation of EnterpriseOne (8.12) that qualify as Business Data.

Would you need to add new Data Dictionary, Object Librarian, System, Server, Server Map, local, or logic data sources?
No. These data sources are all shared data sources throughout the EnterpriseOne implementation. Because of this, in a normal EnterpriseOne configuration, these data sources contain data that is shared among all the environments.
What do you mean by 'OCM Data Source flag'?
It indicates that the data source contains at least F98611 and F986101 tables. The System and all Server Map data sources use this flag. This flag determines whether the data source is shown in the Machine Search_Select form of the P986115 application.
What do you mean by 'Data Class' while defining the data source?
This defines the type of data that will be held in the data source being defined. This new field helps provide better data selection for Universal Batch Engines (UBES) and servers to further identify what kind of data a data source is referencing.
Note: The classes of data available are: Business Data, Central Objects, Data Dictionary, Logic, Host Server Map, Local, Object Librarian, Installation Planner, System, Control Tables, and Versions.
Are tables with identical names within the same database supported by EnterpriseOne?
Only two of the four supported RDBMSs support table owners (SQL Server and Oracle). These databases allow you to have tables with identical names within the same database differentiated by the owner. Use of this system allows you to keep multiple copies of some tables (such as F986101 OCM) in the exact same location.
Note: The Object Owner ID field indicates the table owner for that specific data source. You can have multiple data sources with identical table owners, depending on your specific setup. This field is used when EnterpriseOne structures the SQL statements that return data to the EnterpriseOne applications.
How to split Business Data in multiple data sources?
The data class is at the center of automatic OCM generation. It categorizes the type of data stored in data sources and tables. For example, Business Data is data class "B" and System is data class "S".  If you want to split business data into multiple data sources, you need to create a new data class, modify the data source template (so Environment Director or Installation Planner prompts for a data source) and assign tables and GT objects to that data class. OCM will be created based on the information provided previously.

You can create a new data class by adding a value to the H96/DU UDC for data sources and H96/CL UDC for table and GT objects.
Note: Modifying the data class does not affect existing OCM mappings; the data class is only used when creating mappings for a new environment.

What are the parameters that comprise the primary, unique index to the OCM?
Here are the parameters:
  • Environment
  • User, which is either a specific User ID / Role or *PUBLIC.
  • Object name
  • Database path 
How to delete OCM and how deletion comes into effect?
While in Work with object mappings, highlight the desired OCM record and click the Delete button on the toolbar. This will remove this record from the F986101 table.

Note: If you remove a mapping from the system data source, your client machines will need to log out and back into E1 before they will be able to see the change. If you change a server map F986101 entry, you will need to stop and start your host services to ensure that the mapping takes effect. You will also need to clear the cache for the HTML clients via SAW/Server Manager (8.97) or by stopping and restarting the Web Services (WebSphere or OAS). 
Is it possible that different batch server(s) point to the same F986110 so that WSJ can show all the jobs submitted to different servers?
Yes, by keeping the object owner same for all the Server Map data source, so that all point to table object_owner.F986110.
When making any changes in OCM, what would be the recommendation; log on to a client machine or Deployment Server?
To add an OCM mapping, log on to a client machine. The reason you are logging on to a client machine is that it will update the System F986101. When you log on to the Deployment Server in the Planner environment, it will change the F986101 contained in the planner MSDE or SSE (local) database. Since this is not the database accessed by your end users for mappings, you normally do not want to change your mappings in this database.
Is it mandatory to make changes in both System and Server Map while making changes to OCM?
Generally, you need to choose a system to change a mapping for your client workstations. However, if you think changes are required, then changes should be made to server map.
Note: If you change the mappings for your users in the system data source, but not the server map data source, you may see different results when running reports locally compared to reports run on the server.
What R986101A (Create System Table Mappings) does?
This program adds active Object Configuration Manager (OCM) records for a specified table, user ID, and data source for all environments listed in the Environment Detail table (F00941). You can use data selection to filter the environments to which this process adds OCM records.
How to Create OCM Records for Business Functions using R986140?
This batch process R986140 (Create Server Business Function OCM Records) reads the Object Librarian tables for server business functions, and then creates Object Configuration Manager records for those business functions in the target data source that you specify in processing options. Processing options also enable you to specify the source data source and environment to use when creating these Object Configuration Manager records.

Please refer 
: EnterpriseOne 8.9 OCM Mappings for Business Functions Invalid - for further details.
How many copies of F986101 can exist in an EnterpriseOne installation?
There can be many copies of this table on an EnterpriseOne system. The workstations will use one copy, in the System data source, to find their data. The Enterprise and logic servers have their own copy of this table, which is used when a report is run on an Enterprise or logic server.

The F986101 table really only consists of what is called OCM mappings. These mappings tell the system what data source the table resides in, where to run its business functions, and how to process its reports. 
How to generate Server Map for a newly created environment?
You need to generate Server Map using the application P9654A.

Please refer 
ENV: OCM Mappings Missing in Server Map After Creating a New Environment

What is an Environment?
An environment can be described as the framework on which the system rests. This framework is made up of object configuration mappings and a path code. These are what tell EnterpriseOne where to find the data and specification files needed for its applications to run.
How to delete an Environment?
When you are in the Environment Master program, P0094, highlight an environment and click the Delete button on the toolbar. This will remove the records for the Environment from F0093, F0094, F00941, and F986101.
Note: When you delete an environment, you are not automatically deleting the data sources and business data associated with that environment. This will need to be done as a separate step.

What is the recommended way to Create an Environment?
While Environment Director is a useful tool for creating environments, we recommended using Installation Planner (P9840) and Installation Workbench (P9841) to create custom environments.
What will Environment Director do?
Environment Director performs the following:
  • Creates OCM if it does not already exist.
  • Writes F98403 record for the new environment.
  • Loads Business Data.
  • Loads Control Tables.
  • Configures Enterprise servers.
  • Creates server map OCM.
  • Creates server map F98611 records.
  • Writes F9651 records for Enterprise servers.
  • Configures BSFN and UBE mappings
You can refer : How To Create Custom Environment Using Environment Director (P989400) - for the complete process.
What would be the recommendation: Create custom environment using plan or Environment Director?
It is recommended that you create custom environments from the PLANNER environment on the Deployment Server using Environment Director. Doing so creates the environment in the planner databases and deploys it to the system data source. The environment must exist in the planner databases to apply software updates to the environment.
Can we run Environment Director if logged into the deployment environment?
You cannot run Environment Director from the deployment environment. The deployment environment exists only on the Deployment Server. It uses the bootstrap tables (F98611 and F986101) from the Planner; the remainder of the system tables are in the system data source. This split will cause inconsistencies between the planner and system definitions.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Vocabulary Overrides


Vocabulary Overrides (P9220) are used to change the text that appears on forms and reports. You can specify both form columns and row headings, provide customization for multiple languages and retain your overrides with your next software release update. Vocabulary Overrides are also referred to as Data Dictionary Text Overrides.
When you work with Vocabulary Overrides for an interactive or batch application, it simulates an application check out from Central Objects repository, as if it had been checked out using Object Management Workbench. This is done so that the application cannot be checked out by other users while vocabulary changes are being entered and updated directly into the Central Objects instead of the workstation table specs. After completing the vocabulary override changes, Vocabulary Overrides then erases the check-out in Object Management Workbench.  
When changes are made in the Vocabulary Overrides application, the changes are made directly to Central Objects based on the path code the user is signed into when making the changes.  The local specs on the workstation making the changes are not updated.  Therefore, after making Vocabulary Override changes, you must first check-out the application prior to testing it to see the changes

Accessing the Vocabulary Overrides Application

The vocabulary override application can be accessed by going directly to the Vocabulary Overrides application (P9220) or:
From Object Management Workbench
·         Add the interactive or batch application to a project
·         Verify that the project is at a status that allows for design of the object.
·         Verify that you are assigned to the project as an owner that will allow for design of objects in the project.
·         Focus on the object added to the project and select the design option.
·         Select the Design Tools tab and choose the option for Vocabulary Overrides.
You will receive a message indicating that Vocabulary Overrides will override currently checked-in objects, so you must have authority to make the changes.  The Vocabulary Overrides program directly updates the Central Objects for the path code that you are logged into when making the change (the development environment is recommended).  Therefore, the object cannot be checked-out or an error message will be given preventing you from making Vocabulary Override changes.  If you receive this error, the object must be checked-in or the check-out erased prior to making Vocabulary Override changes for the application. 

Step 1 - Perform the Vocabulary Overrides

Make note of the application number and the form name to be changed. In the example shown below, the overrides will be done on application P4210 and form W4210A. Also make note of the data items aliases involved.
When making Vocabulary Override changes, the changes are made directly to the Central Objects Database.  Therefore, no check-in is required after making changes.  Due to the fact that these changes are made directly to the Central Objects database, the Vocabulary Override application cannot be used to make overrides on a standalone version of the PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne software.  

  • Find the desired batch or interactive application   
  • Select the grid row for the application
  • Double click the '+' sign for the form that you wish to make changes to (i.e. W4210A).
  • Double click the variables or text that you wish to make changes to (i.e. 'Grid Column Text').
  • Make your desired Grid Column Text changes.  In the example shown the Requested Date was changed to “Trade Date.” Also Description 1 changed to “Description,” and Description 2 changed to “CUSIP #.”
  • As you tab out of the Column, the Override column changes to a value of  '1' if it was previously '0'. A value of '1' indicates an override text and '0' indicates the data dictionary text is being used. Existing vocabulary overrides are shipped with the software and if they are changed by the customer, there is no way to identify these custom changes because the override column will still contain a value of  '1'.
  • Click "OK" to save changes.
  • Note:  Sometimes, following the above steps does not work because of a feature called 'Static Text' which is found behind the properties of the text in the design of an application. If the option is checked, VO does not work, as the description in the design takes precedence. Only if the check box is deselected will VO take effect.
Alternatively, there is another method to do vocabulary overrides and it is not so apparent because it is embedded in the design of the application (FDA/RDA). First, the application must be checked out. Any control on the form/report with a vocabulary override displays with a green triangle in the lower right hand corner of the control. Right click on the control and select Properties to display the Static text Properties, check the Override Text box ON and enter the override text in the box below it. Save/Exit from the design of the application and run the application from OMW to see the text override changes. Check-in the application after review.

Step 2 - Bring Specifications Down to Local Workstation

When making Vocabulary Override changes in the Vocabulary Overrides application, the application updates the information in the Central Objects database directly.  The information is not updated in the workstation's local specifications.  In order to see the changes the specifications can be deployed in a package or the specifications can be refreshed on an individual workstation.  
From Object Management Workbench
·         Focus on the object (that you changed) within the project
·         Select the Advanced Get option and specify the path code to retrieve from

Step 3 - Deploying Vocabulary Override Changes    

Interactive Application
To deploy Vocabulary Override changes made to an Interactive Application,
(a)    To EnterpriseOne Windows client, build and deploy an update package of the application
(b)   To EnterpriseOne Web client, for releases prior to 8.12 build and deploy an update package of the application to the generation machine, generate the application. For releases 8.12 and above, build and deploy an update package of the application to the server so that the application is auto-generated the first time it is accessed on the web client.
Batch Application
To deploy Vocabulary Override changes made to a Batch Application, create a client and server update package and deploy the packages.


Most often, the vocabulary changes do not show on the application because the local specs of the application have not been updated. In Object Management Workbench (OMW) do an Advanced Get of the application to overwrite the local specs.  Make sure when doing the Advanced Get to select the same path code as the environment that was selected when performing the Vocabulary Override change. 

Reset Vocabulary Overrides

You can reset vocabulary overrides to the original text of data dictionary in P9220 one data item at a time. If you need to reset multiple vocabulary overrides to the default data dictionary definition, there is an automated process that resets ALL vocabulary overrides at various levels - form, batch version, interactive/batch application. These are available from either the form or row exit; there is no confirmation box to approve the reset; therefore use caution before making the final decision because the changes are made directly in Central Objects.

Table Conversion

Table conversions are the type of batch process that allows doing high-speed manipulation of data in tables

4 types of table conversions

1.Data Conversion
Allows transferring or copying data from one input table to one or more output tables. Also used to update the records in the table or business view.

2.Data Copy
Allows to copy one or more tables from one data source to another data source or from one environment to another environment.

3.Data Copy with Table input
Allows to copy tables based on the information from an input table

4.Batch Delete
Allows deleting records from a table or a business view

Foreign tables are the tables that are not one-world tables but reside in database supported by one world. We test the conversion by running in the proof mode
Table conversions consists of template and one or more versions.
We can use standard one-world tables and non-one world tables (foreign tables) for table conversions.  We must setup the data source and environment in one world to point to the location of non-one world tables.

Table conversion in Multiple tables to single table or multiple tables to multiple tables, we must establish a relationship between input tables by defining a business view.
The system does not support joining the multiple foreign tables, for that we need to define them through the one world and then create a business view over them.
Sort and Selection features in table conversion will simplify the process of writing records to multiple tables in a typical one-many conversion.

Environment=Path Code+Object Configuration Management (OCM) mapping Records
Path code used to locate the specification file in the environment.
To locate non-one world tables, the table conversion tool use the default OCM mapping records for table

Table conversion tool uses three environments i.e.,
1.Environment we signed in (determines where the table conversion specifications are stored),
2.Environment of input tables,
3.Environment of output tables.

Table conversion tasks
1.Setting up a table conversion
2.Running a table conversion
3.Preparing non-one world tables for table conversion


With the help of the Director, you can design conversions for converting data, copying
Tables between locations, and deleting records within tables.

We can define User Defined Formats (Flat Files) to use in the conversion.
User Define Formats are the tables that store data as one continuous string of information, such as back tapes.
If you are importing data from non-One World tables, you must set up a data source and environment for those tables.

You are mapping from multiple tables, you must create a joined Business
View over the tables.

When a table conversion is processed the system triggers certain events, these events are specific to the conversion set up and also provides the points where we can add logic points to the conversion

The event flow is Copy Data, Copy Data with Table Input, and Batch Delete because these conversion types are just subsets of a data conversion.
The Data Copy conversion type does not include input and output tables, and all actions are accomplished through the Process Begin event.
Data Copy with Table Input and Batch Delete conversion types do not include output tables and all actions are accomplished through the Process Begin, Process End, and Row Fetched events.
This flexibility allows you to mix and match table conversion types within another
Conversion type, if necessary.

The Events in Table Conversion occur in the following order:

Process Begin Before fetching any records from the input table, the system invokes the Process Begin event. At this point, you can attach any logic that processes only once at the beginning of a conversion, or any other value that does not change for each individual record. This event is useful for mapping output fields that do not change for each individual record.
Data Changed If you use data sequencing, the system invokes a Data Changed event for any sequenced field that changed. Data Changed events are not cascaded or hierarchical. For example, you can attach an event rule to this event if you want to total a field or group of values.
Format Fetched If you use user-defined formats (also known as flat files) on the input table, the system invokes a Format Fetched event for each record fetched from the input table. If you use multiple user-defined formats in a conversion, the Format Fetched event that is called will correspond to the format found in the record.
Row Fetched Input Table invokes a Row Fetched event after each row is fetched from input table.
Process End After all records have been processed, the system invokes the Process End event.
You attach event rules to Process End when you want the system to process logic after all input records have been read - for example, to write a total record to an output table, or to write a record to a log file to record the status of the conversion.

The input table maybe
  • A single table
  • Multiple tables defined through a business view
  • A single text file

Data Conversions-involves the fallowing steps
  • Defining external data
  • Defining input and output environments
  • Defining input
  • Defining output
  • Mapping input to output
  • Choosing logging options
  • Reviewing the results of the director
  • Understanding user-defined formats
  • Defining user-defined formats

Data Copy-involves the fallowing steps
  • Defining external data
  • Defining input and output environments
  • Defining data copy actions
  • Choosing logging options
  • Reviewing the results of the director

Data Copy with Table Input-involves the fallowing steps
  • Defining external data
  • Defining input and output environments
  • Defining input
  • Defining data copy actions
  • Choosing logging options
  • Reviewing the results of the director
Batch Delete-involves the fallowing steps
  • Defining external data
  • Defining the environment
  • Defining input
  • Choosing logging options
  • Reviewing the results of the director

The Director leads you through a linear process for creating a data conversion batch application by asking questions about its structure and function.

1.Defining external data
To apply a PO Template or a Data Structure for report interconnects.

2.Defining input and output environments
Choose the “Force Version to Override Input Environment” or “Force Version to Override Output Environment” if you are creating a table conversion that will run in a different environment than the one in which you are creating it.

3.Defining input
If Input consists of multiple tables, you must create a single, joined business view.
If you are using a text file, or if you need to define a user-defined format for a table or business view. Define data sequencing for a table or business view, if you specify a text file for input, you cannot define data sequencing or selection for that file.
One new event is created for each of the sequence columns that you define.
Define data selection criteria over database table columns. User-defined format columns are not available because they do not exist in the database.

4.Defining output
You can output to a table or text file. You can choose multiple outputs per conversion.
If you are using a text file, or if you need to define a user-defined format for a table or business view. Table Options are Currency triggers (choose this option if your input and output tables use currency fields), Clear Output (clears the output table), Force Row by Row (You can either specify the number of rows to process in the jde.ini file under [Table Conversion Engine]), Buffer Inserts to the Output Table (if there are no event rules choose this option to increase the performance).

5.Mapping input to output
Specify the event on which you want mapping to occur by choosing an event from the Events list. In most cases, you use either the Row Fetched Event or Format Fetched event. For example, if you are working with a user-defined format, choose the Format Fetched event.” Issue a Write for this Event” option to insert a row to the selected output after performing all column mappings for this event.

6.Choosing logging options
Logging options to record specific events that will occur during the conversion.
Logging options are,
Log All Errors                                   ----Every error should be logged,
Delete All Selected Records
Event List                                           ----Lists all the Events
Log Deletes                                        ----Every record deleted should be logged.
Log Updates                                       ----Every record updated should be logged.
Trace Level                                        ----Whether the tables copied by a copy table
                                                                 Environment or copy table data source system                                                                function call should be logged.
Log Details of Copy Table Actions  ----Detailed logging of each Copy Table Environment or Copy Table Data Source system function calls should be performed.        
To preview the actions of the table conversion before you run the actual conversion, choose the “Run in Proof Mode” option.

7.Reviewing the results of the director
The system displays the Properties form and Table Conversion Mappings form.

8.Understanding user-defined formats
User-defined formats are the table conversion tool’s way of dealing with fixed-width or character separated value (CSV) files in a table or text file. Used to import or export data from applications that have no other means of interaction. Importing/Exporting Text files.
If you are using user-defined input formats and do not add an event rule at the Format Fetched event, the system ignores the format, and the data from the input table is never made available to the conversion. The requirements for using user-defined formats as output are basically the same as for using user-defined formats as input.

9.Defining user-defined formats
To define user-defined formats in table conversion, do one of the following:
Define delimited, single- or multiple-format files
Define fixed-width, single- or multiple-format files

Force Version to Override Input
If you choose this option, the conversion will not run unless you creates a version that overrides the input environment.
Force Version to Override Output
If this option is chosen, the conversion will not run unless the user creates a version that will override the output environment.

Defining data copy actions
If you want to copy a single table, choose <Literal> and enter the name of that table on the Single Value Tab.
To Table
Enter either the last table in a range of tables to be copied, or leave this field blank if you are copying a single table.
Source Type
Choose Data Source if your input and output sources are data sources. Choose Environment if your input and output sources are environments. When you choose Data Source or Environment, the appropriate system function (such as CopyTableEnvironment or CopyTableDataSource) is invoked during processing.
Input Source
The input source is the data source or environment from which the inputs will be read.
Output Source
The output data source is the source or environment where the output is written.
If you choose <If Table Exists>, the system creates the table and runs the conversion only if both the table specification and the actual table exist in the input.
If you choose <Yes>, the system creates the table. If the table already exists in the output, the system will delete and re-create it.
If you choose <No>, the system assumes the table already exists in the output and will not re-create it.
If you choose <If Table Exists>, the system clears the table only if it exists in the input.
If you choose <Yes>, the system deletes all rows in the output table before copying the table.
If you choose <No>, the output table will not be cleared.
Note that this can result in key conflicts.
If you choose <Yes>, the system copies the data from the input table to the output table using Map Same.
If you choose <No>, no data is copied.
Owner ID & Owner Pwd
If the data source requires an owner ID and password, enter them here. If you leave these fields blank, the system enters the ID and password of the login user, or <None> if the data source does not have security.

Using Event Rules in Table Conversion
You can use event rules to build complex functional capabilities into table conversions. For example, you can use event rules to insert information into a table or delete one or more rows in a table based on certain conditions.
You attach event rules to a particular event, such as Process Begin, Row Fetched,
Format Fetched, and Process End.
Event rules in table conversion include system functions that are specific to the table conversion tool.

To use event rules in a table conversion
1. On the appropriate form in a data conversion, data copy, or data copy with table input or Data Selection for Batch Delete, choose the event to which you want to add event rules from the Events drop-down list.
2. Click the Advanced ER button.
3. On Event Rules Design, choose any of the following buttons to define specific business logic:

Assignment: An assignment defines a field as a fixed value or a mathematical expression. For example, you can create an assignment that calculates a value rather than writing a business function to calculate it.
If/While: Create if and While logic statements, which are conditional instructions for an event rule.
Business Function: You can attach an existing business function, such as a function that retrieves a next number for a new customer, or a function that converts Julian dates to month, day, and year.
System Function: You can attach an existing J.D. Edwards system function, such as Copy Table Environment or User Insert Row.
Variables: You can attach variables to accumulate totals, attach variables that conditionally control what you write to a file, keep a tally of the number of records you read in, and so on.
Else: Create Else logic statements. When you create an If statement, an Else statement is automatically inserted after the If statement.
Table I/O: Table I/O allows you to open tables in the input, output, or login environment, and also allows you to open the same table twice. It also allows you to pull in data from tables other than the input table and use data from those tables to create an output record.
Report Interconnect: You use report interconnect to connect a batch process or report to the table conversion.
4. After defining your event rules, click OK.
5. Repeat steps as necessary for the different input and output formats.

Table Conversion System Functions
Each system function within event rules that you can use within a table conversion.

CopyTableDataSource Use this system function to copy a table or range of tables from one data source to another. The system copies tables based on the specifications in the login environment.

CopyTableEnvironment Use this system function to copy a table or range of tables from one environment to another. The system copies tables based on the specifications in the input and output environment. If the specifications differ, the system performs a “map and drop,” meaning that it creates a mapping between like fields in the source and destination tables, and all other fields are ignored.

TCInsertRow This system function is inserted by the table conversion system when you choose the “Issue a write for this event?” option, and it cannot be moved. It instructs the system that data should be written to the output table.

UserInsertRow Use this system function to specify when and where a row should be inserted into the specified output table.

DeleteCurrentInputRow Use this system function to delete the current record from input table.

UpdateCurrentInputRow Use this system function to update the current record in the input table after it has been changed.

SetSelectionAppendFlag Use this system function to determine whether selection criteria added by the system function SetUserSelection will be appended to or replace the existing selection criteria on the input table.

SetUserSelection Use this system function to conditionally modify data selection on the input table. Call SetSelectionAppendFlag prior to calling SetUserSelection to determine whether to replace or append to the existing data selection information on the input table.